The Aftermath of Deleting the Instagram App from Your Phone
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The Aftermath of Deleting the Instagram App from Your Phone

Will Deleting the App Wipe Out Your Instagram Profile?

The short answer is no. Simply removing the Instagram app does not obliterate your account. To officially terminate your Instagram presence, you must proceed to the Instagram Account Deletion page, sign in, and follow the steps until your account is definitively erased.

Re-downloading the app later? You’ll find your account just as you left it, complete with messages and everything else.

Here’s a closer look at what stays intact and what doesn’t when you ditch the app:

Your Posted Content and Stories

No worries here. Any content you’ve shared, including your stories, will remain on display on your profile. Stories will vanish after their 24-hour lifespan, just as they normally would.

Unpublished Drafts

A heads-up: any drafts you’ve not posted will vanish into the ether if you delete the app. To avoid losing these, either publish them or save the content externally before removal.

Follower Dynamics

The roster of your followers and those you’re following doesn’t change. If you’re looking to halt new follower additions during your app hiatus, flipping your account to private mode will necessitate following requests for new viewers.

Archived Content and Story Highlights

Fear not for your archived content and story highlights; they remain unaffected. They’ll be right there when you get back, whether through a reinstalled app or via the Instagram site on a desktop.

Bookmarked Posts

Rest easy, your curated collection of saved posts is secure. You can revisit these treasures by logging into your Instagram through a web browser or by getting the app back on your phone.

Bookmarked Posts

Rest easy, your curated collection of saved posts is secure. You can revisit these treasures by logging into your Instagram through a web browser or by getting the app back on your phone.

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